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Life-Cycle - Webcast


February 27 to March 7, 2021

10 performances

Past event

A man returns home after a long absence. He is confronted with family roots that don’t suit him anymore.

No one knows who he is or where he comes from. He must reconnect with his own identity. An old bicycle motivates him to start looking for his roots. Hopping on the two-wheeler the man will gauge his life and go off looking for a new leaf to turn.

In a world filled with magical realism, circus and theater, the bicycle is more than a mere object... it represents a fundamental component of life that you need to ride to keep moving.

  • Duration 50 minutes
  • Idéation Guillaume Doin et Yves Simard
  • Âge recommandé 6 ans et plus
  • Crédit photo Robert Etcheverry

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