Louis T | Mâle Alpha


February 12 to April 18, 2025

4 performances

Regular: 42,89 to 44,40 $ Tx and fees incl.

When we think of Louis T, we think of domination, charisma, power and virility, right? No? Too bad ! Louis T still returns to the stage with his third one-man show, Mâle alpha.

In this third one-man-show which aims to be more human, Louis T is tired of hiding and is no longer afraid to say it: he loves men! Whether it's his two little boys, his friends, his father or his grandfather, he even manages to have sympathy for those who insult him on Twitter—really. He remains realistic: men are not always easy to love. It is therefore with a benevolent and humoristic look at masculinity that Louis T makes us realize that by searching deep enough, we can find a small endearing side to their silliness and their behavior.

Rest assured, Louis T continues to love women (especially his girlfriend), considering that they are the ones who buy comedy show tickets!

  • Language French
  • Production / Presentation

    Groupe Phaneuf Inc.

« Son approche fait son effet. Il parvient à glisser de bonnes blagues et à passer ses commentaires sociaux sans jamais laisser son public oublier qu’il est surtout là pour rire. »

Marissa Groguhé, La Presse

« Un spectacle qui, sous son gros enrobage homérique, parfois même très niaiseux, se cache un propos engagé et engageant, bien dosé. »

Frédérique de Simone, Journal de Montréal

« On rit, on est content et c’est un bon show, 8.5/10, c’est de l’humour intelligent! »

Nathalie Petrowski, ICI Première

« Il a su charmer […] on a vraiment ri beaucoup! »

Isabelle Perron, QUB Radio

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